Pencey Prep

The Band



Frank Iero - Lead Guitar / Vocals / Lyrics Tim Hagevik -Drums 
John McGuire - Bass 
Shaun Simon - Keyboards & Electronics 
Neil Sabatino - Guitar 

Pencey Prep is made up of six members: Frank Iero on guitar and vocals, Shaun Simon on keyboards and electronics, Tim Hagevik on drums, Neil Sabatino on guitar, and John McGuire on bass.

Pencey Prep is a new band on the rise that has made a tremendous name for themselves by touring throughout New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.
The local radio stations hve been overwhelmed with the deluge of requests for their recent single, "Yesterday". 

Influences include bands such as the Clash, Sonic Youth, Weezer. Pencey Prep is now being labeled as "The Best Upcoming Band" out of New Jersey. Together along with their tireless ambition and hunger to achieve their goals in the music industry, Pencey Prep has the "Staying Power" it takes to be one of the most successful bands out there today. 

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